thegreaterreset | uploads | TGV in 50 seconds | Amazing Citizens | El cuadro del pueblo | Burning Man
the greater Re:set
After the Corona pandemic event we will experience a New Normal. The political reaction is a game changer. After the Fall of the Berlin Wall the upcoming economical breakdown in 2020 and ff. – with the simultaneous absence of the old western leadership of America – will be seen as a similar historic event for human mankind. As always, the history will be written by the winner! Before this is done, YOU and ME will explore the consequences for us as social animals, citizens and as members of families, clans and communities. Risk for somebody is ever accompanied by chance for somebody else.
In several group settings (3-6 people) we will gather under a topic. In an open dialogue we will discuss and exchange ideas about impact, appropriate responses and challenges for our societies and nevertheless for ourselves.
As a contemporary artist I use contemporary pigments to draw. My oil color shifted in this case to digits on flat screens. Working in the field of social sculpturing I am approaching your brain, not to rewire or manipulate it for a personal reason, but to expand its capacity to process new strategies to survive.
In a few video podcasts in different group settings we will discuss and publish our future under the topics health, economy, government, communication, culture and in a closing session about contemporary arts in times of reconstruction.
We both are children and we want to release the next generation of children honestly in a future driven by humanity. We are struggling about how to do this, the first step might be to enter the process of a democratic debate. Enter the contemporary version of forum romanum. Like the ancient roman citizen you are invited to talk, armed with knowledge and heart, on behalf of your children and on behalf of yourself.
2020-08-03 – 2020-08-08 | video podcasts | Join the debate > Read more (pdf)
crossover photography – video art | Europe | 2011 – 2014
Whenever humans start to develop their tools, they want to extend the range of their senses. In modern cities you see them outsourcing their thinking to build a new virtual interbrain.
Guarding the social networks as their new Tamagotchis the nerds start to transform into real cyborgs.
More and more they feed this interbrain to take space in virtual spheres and evolve their socialisation. They feel complete only with permanent interaction, success by access. The interbrain is always hungry. It wants to upload all the time. Feed to live, live to feed, the boundaries are blurred.
Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and all their schizophrenic virtual brain locations are interacting themselves. I think therefore I am turns to I upload to be.
Not to be online is nearly the private death. This development depersonalizes the public space. The citizen disappears.
Links: Uploads #1 | Uploads #2 | Uploads #3 | Uploads #4 |
The series uploads #4 as part of the social sculpture ARTSURPRISE.EU containes the box number 20.000 ! This is a big milestone itself, and it link two different art projects in a single work. The images of the series are available as fine art prints on alu dibond behind acrylic. For further information please apply here.
TGV in 50 seconds
animation film and social sculpture | Cologne | Germany | 2012
Triggered by the invitation to participate in the short film contest Co.AR.CO 2012 in Marseille, I decided to combine the film production with a social sculpture called making a film in a group.
Most members of the animation crew did not know each other. They came together for the first time. I assumed that the group dynamics as well as the irreversibility and uniqueness of this film production would give each member of the group a positive feeling and create a respectable result. In order to support the group identity and team spirit, I recommended to produce a making-of documentation including interviews with all helpers.
It was a special experience for all of us, particularly concerning the sense of time. I remember the joy when, after three hours of animation work, the first second of the film sequence was completed. Ultimately, the clou was to combine the film production with the social sculpture ARTSURPRISE. Art lovers can – with a bit of good luck – get a real piece of the film set through ARTSURPRISE and thus, they will be part of this art project as well.
Links : ARTSURPRISE | TGV in 50 seconds film | TGV series in ARTSURPRISE | TGV- Co.Ar.Co
Amazing Citizens
True flag – AAF Brussels – 2015
Après l’attentat contre Charlie Hebdo à Paris le monde du journalisme en Europe va changer de nouveau. Nous ne savons pas ce qui s’est vraiment passé à Paris.
L’Internet est plein de théories sous faux pavillon et la désinformation. Dans le passé, J’ai travaillé comme consultant en NTIC et, dans mes cours il y a 25 ans, je ai expliqué:
Internet va changer la valeur de l’information en général. Comme tout être humain, nous calculons la vérité d’un message en relation de la distance entre l’émetteur et le récepteur. Si nous obtenons de plus en plus de messages via Internet, nous n’avons aucune technique culturelle pour mesurer cette distance. Internet n’a plus aucune distance. Cela signifie la perte de contrôle sur l’information. Aussi SPAM va détruire ce canal de communication.
Cela implique que nous perdons la valeur de l’information et de la vérité.
C’est une autre guerre civile, et dans cette ligne de violence contre les citoyens étonnants, je marque cette étape importante de la désillusion par cette œuvre : Amazing Citizens in civil wars – true flag.
After the attack against Charlie Hebdo in Paris the world of journalism in Europe will change another time. We do not know what really happened in Paris. The internet is full of false flag theories and disinformation. I was IT consultant in the past and in my classes 25 years ago I explained:
Internet will change the value of information in general. As every human we calculate the truth of a message in relation of the distance between sender and receiver. If we get more and more messages via internet, we have no cultural technique to measure this distance. Internet has no distance anymore. This means loss of control about the information. Also SPAM will limit this communication channel. This implies that we lose the value of information and the truth.
This is another civil war, and in such a line of violence against amazing citizens I mark this milestone of disillusion with this work: Amazing Citizens in civil wars – true flag.
Art on the road (II.) – Berlin – Valencia 2014
Cette œuvre d’art est une des dernières pièces d’un grand projet d’art en Europe. J’ai décidé de voyager de Berlin en Allemagne par la France à Valence en Espagne. En route, j’ai rencontré plus de 40 artistes. Chacun d’entre eux a échangé avec moi une œuvre d’art d’importance personnelle. Chaque pièce a sa propre histoire. Chaque pièce fait partie de l’histoire de l’art en ces temps de reconstruction. Chaque œuvre d’art reflète la vie d’un citoyen européen – jeunes, vieux, homme, femme … avec leurs familles, l’expérience, l’illusion, les rêves et les désirs.
Certains de ces artistes deviendront célèbres dans les prochaines années, certains d’entre eux sont déjà célèbres maintenant. Quelle que soit l’histoire va décider de publier à leur sujet, ils font tous partie de l’art contemporain, ils font tous partie de la belle et riche culture européenne.
Dans une exposition de groupe à la résidence des artistes CASAdelDRAGON en Castellon, j’ai exposé cette œuvre ensemble avec des œuvres de la Turquie, la Russie, la Macédoine, la Hongrie, l’Allemagne, la Catalogne, Valence et la France. Certaines de ces œuvres d’art avaient voyagé autour du monde avant, certaines ont été gardées en stock par les artistes sur une longue période. Maintenant, ils font partie de l’histoire. Découvrez l’art et vous découvrirez que c’est une partie de votre propre histoire.
This art work is one of the last pieces of a large art project in Europe. I decided to travel from Berlin in Germany via France to Valencia in Spain. On the road I met more than 40 artists. Every one of them exchanged an art work of personal relevance with me. Each piece has its own story. Each piece is part of art history in these times of reconstruction. Each art work reflects the life of a European citizen – young, old, man, woman…with their family, experience, illusion, dreams and wishes.
Some of these artists will become famous in the next years, some of them are already famous now. Whatever history will decide to publish about them, they are all part of contemporary art, they are all part of the rich and beautiful European culture.
In a group exhibition in the artist residence CASAdelDRAGON in Castellon, I exhibited this artwork together with works from Turkey, Russia, Macedonia, Hungary, Germany, Cataluña, Valencia, and France. Some of these art works travelled around the world before, some were kept on stock by the artists over a long time. Now they are part of history. Discover the art and you will discover that it is part of your own history.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Benicarlo | Spain | 2011
Cette œuvre faisait partie d’une grande installation de plus de 1200 pièces de plus petite taille des Amazing citizens (Citoyens Étonnants) dans un musée espagnol (Mucbe, Benicarló, Castellon). L’installation a été le cadre d’une exposition intitulée AMOUR EN GUERRES CIVILES. Cette exposition elle-même fait partie d’une sculpture sociale, une exposition de groupe se déplaçant en Europe.
Après avoir été présentée en Espagne cette œuvre a aussi été exposée dans plusieurs espaces d’art en Europe.
This artwork was part of a large installation with more than 1200 pieces of smaller-sized Amazing Citizens in a Spanish museum (MUCBE Castellon). The installation was part of an exhibition titled LOVE IN CIVIL WARS. This exhibition itself is part of a social sculpture, a moving group exhibition in Europe.
After the show in Spain this work was exhibited in several art spaces in Europe.
Les générations futures tiendront compte de la chute du mur de Berlin comme le véritable début d’une nouvelle migration européenne des peuples. La puissante attraction de l’Europe dans le monde est alimentée par son système social attractif et son faible taux de natalité. L’Europe devient un creuset d’un nouvel avenir mondial. Poussé par l’innovation culturelle et politique, les gens essaient de nouveaux concepts de la vie sociale et de l’interaction. De l’Afrique et de l’Asie, ils se déversent dans l’Europe et viennent comme de nouveaux citoyens de ce monde. La mondialisation rend toute guerre une guerre civile! Que ce soit en Afrique, en Asie, au Moyen-Orient ou tout près de chez nous, sur la Plaza Cataluña à Barcelone, partout des étonnants jeunes citoyens appellent à un accès équitable aux ressources de la planète. L’intelligence collective indiquera la direction et c’est toujours la bonne. Écoutons la sagesse des foules. Maintenant.
Future generations will consider the fall of the Berlin Wall as the true beginning of a new European migration of the peoples. Europe’s powerful attraction to the world is fed by its attractive social system and its low birth rate. Europe is becoming a melting pot of a new global future.
Driven by cultural and political innovation, people try out new concepts of social life and interaction. From Africa and Asia they pour into Europe and come in as new citizens of this world.
Globalization makes any war a civil war! Whether in Africa, Asia, the Middle East or right at our doorstep on Plaza Cataluña in Barcelona, everywhere amazing young citizens call for equitable access to the world’s resources. The intelligence of the swarm will indicate the direction and it is always the right one. Let us listen to the wisdom of the crowds. Now.
In winter 2010/2011 I discovered one of my long term themes – “Amazing Citizens” . This group of installations and paintings and sculptures will follow me in my artworks forever. To give the amazing citizens around me a face, to show the real protagonists of my decade, I will not stop bringing them to public.
Amazing Citizens have so far been exhibited in Spain, France and Germany in serveral art places, festivals and art shows.
Links : Amazing Citizens at ARTSURPRISE | Sculptures in Bochum (Germany)
El cuadro del pueblo
Performance | Cervera del Maestre, Castellon | Spain | 2011
In winter 2011 we celebrated Christmas, as part of an exhibition, in the old ermita Sant Sebastia in Cervera del Maestre. We showed a very large combined painting (12 x 0,6 m) and gave each visitor a passe-partout.
Everybody selected his preferred fragment of the painting, put the passe-partout above it and we cut out the part.
More than 200 of these fragments can now be seen in private houses in the village of Cervera. The people were surprised about this performance and felt united by holding their art work as a part of something bigger.
If you hold one fragment of this combined painting in your hand – possible with luck by choosing ARTSURPRISE, you are also part of the story and thereby connected with the inhabitants of this village.
Whenever you pass the region of El Maestrazgo you should visit Cervera del Maestre (Castellon) and ask the people about “el cuadro del pueblo”. They will welcome you and show you some
thanks to Sonia, Amalia, Jaume and the inhabitants of Cervera del Maestre
Links : El cuadro del pueblo at ARTSURPRISE
Burning Man
25th anniversary of Saint Henri | Aude | France | 2011
I was invited by the organisation of Saint Henri to point out the 25th anniversary with a big performance as part of the auction day in September. I designed a 3-meter-tall sculpture made of wood, paper and saw dust. We placed 52 little ceramic heads inside the sculpture and incinerated it in the evening after the aution.
The big sculpture burnt over 5 hours and the 52 ceramic heads were covered with ashes and grime in the process of the sculpture’s destruction.
It was amazing to see 300 people around, wondering how long it would take to be able to take one of these souvenirs out of the fire (hottest temperature nearly 900° Celsius). In the next moning we could not find any of the little heads anymore.
Gerard Gayou’s big finca named Saint Henri is a real hotspot of young contemporary art in Europe. In July and August he invites artists to work there, without thinking about money and results, and to try out new challenges in their art works. They get accomodation and materials for free and they give their art works as a gift to the place. Every first weekend in September he organizes a big auction and sells most of the works. The money is used to pay the next year. My friend Gerard’s long term project has been going on for over 25 years now.
Links : Saint Henri