In the beginning there was the idea of finding new forms of expression for contemporary art by using knowledge from merchandise management and logistics in the art market. It started with the classic categories PAINTING, DRAWING, PRINTING and OBJECT. From the beginning it was clear that contemporary LITERATURE should also have a permanent place, but it took 12 years until the technical and organizational prerequisites could be created to actually implement the LITERATURE project in ARTSURPRISE. The first two publications are availible now (AT THE MUSEUM, S.CAPE, 2022-23, Vol.1, Vol.2). We did it. We made it. You read it.
If you like the idea to publish a booklet online, start from here and now.
First you will need access to the online production tool. If you are not already an artist from ARTSURPRISE you could apply for an account. After login you can use the app to create your own booklet for free. At the same moment you will offer your booklet for a small edition inside the project ARTSURPRISE and in case we accept it, you will become an official author of the artsurprise booklet editions. We will prepare one edition and you will be paid!
For the workflow we prepared a booklet. You can download it here or apply for a hard copy here to get the physical product for your own evaluation.