Abejas de amor | ANYFREE.ORG | UNIIE (free university of informal education) | ARTSURPRISE | CASAdelDRAGON | EL-DRAC (artist network)
Abejas de amor – bees of love – since 2015
Since 2013 i am a registrated official beekeeper. My licence alowes me to mount bee hives in all Castellon. After starting the project with a few hives in our color garden plot near Cervera i started in late 2017 to mount boxes in plots of “bee friendly” friends. Part of this social project is to connect people with interest in nature and bees (and honey). Another important target is to develop another sustainable way of bee keeping beside short term economical aspects. Abejas de amor is part of the social activities of my living community familiafeliz.
Link: abejas de amor
ANYFREE.ORG – a virtual platform – since 2015
ANYFREE is a virtual platform with free access to share and donate everything under the big term “donation without expectation”. After publishing the first ideas and features online i get in a short time a lot of venture capital followers on social networks. In early 2017 – short before a beta-roll-out of a full accessible webiste some hackers crashed the data center if my service provider and the provider forced me to stop this project. For sure i will continue this idea of a free flow of donations between members of anyfree dot org. Check the status of this project here
UNIIE – free university of informal education – since 2017
According to my sentence “… to be artist is my greatest work of teaching” i was and will be always a kind of teacher and trainer. It was and is still a pleasure to work with people interested in things in whitch i am interested too. In 2017 i started to be part of an international trainer group in Romania to develop a local summer school near Bucharest. This very important school provides trainings for kids from 8 to 18 years. Sometimes its the only access to foreign languages and contemporary trainings (buildung websites with cms-systems…). To expand the idea of free access to education in an informal environment i founded the free university of informal education. A special design of handling knowledge between teacher and student give us the opportunity to spreach this decentralized project all over the world.
ARTSURPRISE – since 2011
I am a conceptual artist and like to make interventions inside society. In this case I import knowledge from society, industry and logistics into the art market. I also enjoy giving contemporary European art a new marketing channel to distribute and sell artworks in various art places like museums, galleries and exhibition halls. After only 15 months, the project had moved more than 9000 artworks and sold more than 25%… and it is still growing.
Update March 2016 :: > 200 artists, > 28.000 artworks, > 70 points of sale
Casa del Dragon – open artist residency in Eastern Spain – since 2006
After rebuilding an old house in the beautiful village Cervera del Maestre in Castellon over 20 years, we decided to use the building as an open artist working and exhibition space. The special atmosphere in the south and the walls full of history provide a good platform to discover new projects and brings art buyers, commissioners, agents and artists together. The house of the dragon was frequented by more than 100 artists and friends during the last years. We live together in a temporary open community, sharing ideas, power and knowledge. In the basement we run several exhibitions every year (saturdays 4 pm – 8 pm and sundays 10 am. – 2 pm.).
Links : Casa del Dragon
EL-DRAC – European art network – since 2006
The intelligence of the swarm is the benefit for its members. Under this headline I founded a European artist network without a boss, without administration and with a lot of power. After 6 years more than 150 professional artists from more than 20 countries work together, share and collaborate in art projects and create a lot of spin-offs like producer galleries, art markets, art fairs and exhibition projects. The network is still growing and develops itself. The target remains do discover the art market and show and sell art in Europe.
Links : EL-DRAC
global bookkeeping – since 2005
I love my books. From time to time I place a book in a public space. I hope that somebody will pick it up and read the first page. On that page I describe the project. If you find one of my books, enjoy to be part of global bookkeeping and send a letter to me.
Links: global book keeping