You are single! You are creative! OK! Be part of my mailart project and do this:
Take a normal blank postcard. Draw or paint on one side. Sample:
Write your name, your age, a valid emailadress and what you are looking for (man, woman) on the back side.
Send the post card to artist residence and exhibition space Casa del Dragon, Loveletters, Las Parras 19, 12578 Cervera del Maestre, Castellon, Spain.
The front side of your post card will be shown in one installation as part of the exhibition LOVE in august 2014. Every visitor of the exhibition could apply for contact with you (we will collect all applications and send them to you by mail) She/he could only see the art work on the frontside and not your personal data! You will deside if you contact the person who apply for communication with you.
To finance the project, you do provide us your art postcard. With sending the postcard you agree in publishing your art work in public under the name Anonymus. You have to pay no other fees or charges and we will send you in the first days of september 2014 the applications.
For the maximization of our success please post the link to this page in all your social networks and invite people to meet the exhibition of cards physically in 01.08.2014 in the Casa del Dragon.
And be sure, you are welcome to the opening in the Casa del Dragon 01.08.2014 – 7 p.m.