UNIIE – Free University of Informal Education – a social sculpture – a free space for creatives
Everybody has the right to acquire knowledge. Knowledge transfer is a universal social human act. The focus is on the people. The objective of UNIIE is sustainable education including fruitful associated research.
More than 80% of an adult’s daily applied knowledge is based on informal learning. Only 20% of the knowledge have been obtained in classical education and training. UNIIE organizes and structures informal learning and teaching.
UNIIE is a social sculpture and thus a social space. UNIIE organizes the transfer of knowledge on the campus in the colour garden in Spain and in other places in Europe.

If you want to join UNIIE as a distributer of knowledge, as a receiver of knowledge or if you like to join the project for your own research about informal education, write a mail to jp / at / el – drac (dot) es.