While the offerings of religions spread before people, algorithms no longer only haunt customers but also civilians, and the restructuring of the global business model progresses, I would like to remember what gives contemporary art the strength. But freedom is not donated or given to us, freedom is something we have to get, again and again, every day. We should show it in our works. It should be motivating for what we do.
Anyone who is not interested in the fears on offer remains with themselves and their power to act and create. Those who remain in love do not exhaust themselves in creative activity.
Time passes quickly. The mail art is piling up in the mailbox and the production of new rubber stamps has started. Those who do not have to submit to what makes sense remain free. This is something to celebrate.
So on April 24th, 2024 I started sending 49 rubber stamps around the world. May they find friends who will continue to act. And let’s be happy about a message that gets out there. “I love the freedom of art!” – It’s a great asset. And it wants to be used wisely. But restraint can only come from one’s own ethics. Only the weak attempt to intervene from outside. Even if he paints over his fear with morals, I kindly help him get past me and those who are with me.
I remain attentive to joy, to life. In the beginning was The Word. Decentralization preserves diversity, a major hurdle for censorship. The arts remain the gateway to understanding. Education is offered, the will to learn comes from within myself.
Become an ambassador of freedom, remember the power and keep enjoying.